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How to cook

Cooking Instructions General

All cooking appliances vary in performance, these are given as guidelines only. Take care upon heating as the filling may be extremely hot and the pastry can become fragile.

Microwave From Ambient

(Based on 800W (E) Oven) Remove the pies from their foils and place onto a non-metallic plate. Heat for only 10 seconds per pie on maximum power rating. If heating 4 or more pies at a time, heat for 30 seconds only. Can be served warm or cold.

Oven cook From Ambient

(Conventional Oven) Keeping the pies in their foils, place the pies onto a baking tray and place the tray on the middle shelf of a preheated oven at 190°C/375°F/Fan 170°C/Gas Mark 5 for 6 minutes.

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